Posts tagged hong kong

HK Style Roast Goose

While out shopping for all sort of stuff for the home, we happened to be in KL, Jalan Pasar to be exact and stumbled upon a little gem of a road-side food stall. Unlike your regular roast meat and rice stall, this one boasts more than the usual roast chicken, roast duck and roast pork. Hong Kong style roast goose that is. More to come as I did not have my DSLR with me and it was rather hot and we had lots more to do and errands to get to that we didn’t have much time to savor the quick lunch. However, while good and well done, it still doesn’t compare to Yung Kee (DP Review here).

EOS 5D Mark II in HK now!

Time to head over to have a lip-smacking dim-sum breakfast, pick-up a new camera body and settle-in a roast goose dinner before the flight home? Crazy? Ambitious? I don’t know yet as Canon Malaysia hasn’t announced anything about availability here. Echo Photo & Audio has a nice price… let’s hope Canon Malaysia doesn’t disappoint otherwise, it’ll be another Canon gastronomical adventure in HK. In case you didn’t know, I got my EOS-40D in HK last year. The 5D Mark II sells at HK$19,500… it’s about RM9,000. A full RM4,000 less than what the 5D launched at three years back!

Thanks Roland for the head’s up!

Yung Kee – Roasted Delicacies

In the Central district of Hong Kong, a long time fixture is famous for it’s roasted delicacies. This restaurant is called Yung Kee. Started by Kam Shui Fai in 1942 from a dai pai dong streetside cafĂ©, it is now very famous and has turned into a Hong Kong eating landmark of sorts. Their main claim to fame has been their world-renowned roasted meats, most notably the roast goose (燒鵝) and chinese barbecue pork. So while going around Hong Kong and getting my new EOS-40D, I decided that we need to review a food place. Yung Kee has both a dine-in and take-out section which I will cover more in a bit.

Locating it was very easy and the service quick and rather efficient. It is a bit odd in terms of pre-allocating your seats plus having elevator attendants. I’ve no complains since we were seated under four minutes. Reservations are recommended however if you decide to have dinner later than 7:30pm as we noticed the crowd increased significantly while we were dining.

We decided to order the signature roast goose and a few side dishes. The serving size was quite large so it became a bit difficult to finish after a bit. Anyways, the roast goose itself was nicely done, not over-done with a nice crisp skin and thick flavor. Some people say that goose is an acquired taste but I think it’s quite similar to duck anyways. Yung Kee’s roast goose is just right. Overall, the succulent goose went well with our side order of green vegetables and bean curd so it was a nice ending to an entire day walking about Hong Kong. The take-away counter operates independently of the dine-in restaurant so you have to make another order separately. They do pack it very well for travel and you won’t have problems taking it on a flight. The goose however wouldn’t be as crisp, juicy and succulent as if you dined in however but I guess they weren’t thinking about someone taking it across the South China sea and eating it 24-hours later! Still good nonetheless but you have to really try it to enjoy it first!

Yung Kee
T: (852) 2522 1624 F: (852) 2840 0888 E:
Address: 32-40 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong


Finally it’s Friday!!!

Putting my feet up at Hong Kong!

Recovering from travel fatigue

Littlerock, California

After a long trip, you tend to get tired out, and a bit fatigued. That’s why some people say you need a vacation to recover from your vacation! While I’m getting used to my bed again and trying to unpack really slowly, it was probably the most fantastic trip I’ve had so far. So, as always, there’s always a lot to be thankful for…

Most of all, God who kept us safe and sound, allowing us thru US/HK immigration and customs with ZERO hassles. KLIA customs didn’t even bother about us! For helping me drive myself and my darling through 4500 kilometers safely, even though I mis-calculating the distance and the few road closures. For keeping our cameras working in cold, dust, forest fire (controlled burn), and wet waterfalls.

Thanks of course goes to my darling for accepting the way I do things (and the speed which I drive), and keeping me awake during those long drives. For showing me a whole new perspective on the world around us through the camera lens, reading all those maps, and mostly, being herself.

Thanks to Andrew (and Elena) for the great company at the Grand Canyon. Jill Odice for hosting us and taking us around Littlerock! YJV for the accomodation at Candlewood, receiving all our packages and goodies… Oh-oh, time to go back to work!