Try this little smoothie to pick you up in the morning! Actually, I guess it works anytime in a day too!
You’ll need a blender, juicer and orange press though!
-100ml pineapple juice (use a juicer since pineapple is very pulpy)
-500gm papaya, cored and skinned
-200gm seedless grapes (use a juicer for this too)
-100ml cranberry juice (ocean spray will do because you can’t really get this here)
-5 oranges (use a manual press, and scoop two tablespoons of the pulp)
Pour pineapple juice and papaya chunks into blender, blend till mostly smooth. Add cranberry, grape and orange juice plus pulp. Blend till smooth. Makes about 1 liter. If you find it too thick, blend with a dozen ice cubes or serve with ice.
Alternative #2 (you can see I’ve been experimenting)
-Substitute cranberry juice with one mango but add 100ml of water and one less orange. Mango and papaya are usually very pulpy so this can be thick.
You can actually store this in a freezer if you wish to keep it for more than a day or two.