Posts tagged retreat

More SS4 2008 Retreat Photos

Here’s more after a tiring day at the pool with my nephew. Looks like the blog pages just got even heavier! I’m sorry to those who are using anything slower than a 256k connection. It takes my lousy Nokia N80 four minutes on 3G before it crashes out with insufficient memory! Oh well, my iPhone’s coming in four weeks — I can’t wait!

Just love the shadows and highlights on the Yi-Ann’s face but I had my 24-105 and not my 70-200 this is as tight as I can get!

The giant Cat of Cameron Highlands!

Boring group shot — the exciting version later tomorrow!

The yummy scones – absolutely delicious with home-made fresh strawberry jam for tea!

Here’s a small selection of Kok Leong’s shots from his D50. A light touch of Photoshop in the mix. Just a little touch-up here and there but mostly the JPEGs were quite nicely done so mostly a little bit of dodging and burning was enough. Of course, my favorite curves and masks too!

First Batch of Retreat Pix

Sorry everyone that these took some time. There were about 500 shots (not including KL’s & KW’s which I will also batch except for a few more selected for hand-processing) and while most were going to be batch-processed, these few however, I felt would need a bit of hand-processing. Most shot with my lovely 70-200 f2.8 lens or my wife’s 100mm 2.8 macro. Individually tweaked, fixed, cleaned-up and processed.

All shots manual exposure, manual white-balance (daylight or cloudy) – Thanks Louis – it’s actually faster. Yup, less is more, manual is faster and all that! Lots more use of highlight and shadows (in terms of light angles) and back-light!

My favorite of the action series!

OMF Bungalow

Sorry, I got back at 8:30pm, worked on two proposals, one pricing and eight emails. Cooked dinner and did the laundry. Still lagged from the activities of the past two weeks. More photos will be posted in due time. I still have SEMOA Pastor Edwin’s wedding PhotoBook to do!

To see a full screen version, click here.
Yes, it’s a panoramic view of the Bungalow stitched from four separate frames.

Went Away

There’s been no updates during the past couple of days as we had our 2008 Cell Group retreat at the lovely OMF Bungalow in Cameron Highlands. There’s also this big tender process thing going on and I’m awfully tired. There’s also the silly flu bug going about the office and I happen to catch it. Insufficient firewalls there!

Had a couple of hundred pix over the lovely weekend with SS4 and the Hsu’s at Camerons but with the work week’s tight schedule and the personal need to rest, please be patient. This evening, when I returned to my little box in the sky condo, I had a slight feeling of Deja Vu… yup, exactly one week ago, I did the same thing when I returned from Louis’ workshop in Penang. After two weekends away, it really does drain you physically although you do get energized in many ways.

Louis energized my vision to see light and shadow and to believe I can do it. The last weekend, Peter energized us to see evangelism as an integral part of everything we do; our lives, our actions, our words and our deeds. Also, for me I think our Group needs to return to the center of it all, the Cross at Calvary. Acceptance. So what of schedules, punctuality, expectations and needs. Christ accepted us for who we are and what we are. The heart of the human problem is the heart of the human. And God’s treatment is prescribed in John 3:16.
He loves.
He gave.
We believe.
We live.

For God
so loved
the world
that he
gave his
O N E   A N D   O N L Y   S O N
in him
shall not
but have