Posts tagged putrajaya

Putrajaya Night walkabout

On the first day of Eid (or Hari Raya), we went with a couple of friends for a tweetup to take some photos of Putrajaya at night. One of them had recently got a good deal on a used D90 and wanted to dabble into photography. Photography is best enjoyed with friends (hence the launching of our Church Photo club soon) so off we went to Puchong for curry fish head dinner followed by a scenic drive to Putrajaya.

We arrived at the main Putrajaya mosque first and found the garden area heavily barricaded. It took a while to find some decent viewpoints. We had better fun shooting flashlight drawings and other stuff. Then again, Putrajaya doesn’t inspire me that much as I find it rather soulless.

I just love this last shot by the way of Li Tsin walking into the unknown… like a mysterious stranger scene in a movie opener. Hmm, in fact, I’ve a full HD video of this same scene sans Li Tsin unfortunately.