Posts tagged photography

iPhone 4S + Camera + Life

The biggest improvement for me when upgrading to the new iPhone 4S is actually the camera. Yeah, I’ve a ton of apps but my core apps are frequently my communications and networking tools – messaging, email, social media, etc. The next most common app I use is the camera and Instagram.

One thing for sure is that it’s always with me so it’s always the best camera — even when I’m lugging a truck-load of photo equipment, it still allows me to document, capture and basically, photo-log my activities.

More importantly, it lets me capture events and people important to me. I’ve every photo taken since my iPhone 2G days and the count is in the five digits. Browsing through the photos is like stepping back in time.

Rain storms

The weather the past week has been horrible and forced me to reschedule a couple of activities, including some photo-shoots…

Oh well, when life rains, take out your camera!

Disclaimer: Be careful when using your camera and driving and preferably have two hands on the wheel and the camera on a tripod in the car!

Petaling Street Photo Walk

On a gray, overcast day, 15 participants were eagerly waiting at the basement of PJEFC Heritage Center. They were all ready to participate in our first ever PhotoWalk trip. Eddy, our friendly bus driver was already there waiting by the roadside.

It was good to spend time with some good friends over photography and good food!

For more photos and settings, go over to the EKML Visuals Blog

Coffee Ritual, SS14, PJ

I’ve been hearing about coffee ritual for some time now from my coffee loving friends but have not even had the time to drop by this entire year. No time until yesterday. I was actually going to pick up my coffee grinder (Isomac Professionale) from one of Malaysia’s coffee connoisseurs, KF Chan of Coffee in Malaysia fame.

Since I wasn’t there to really to savor the food, I won’t comment on them. Coffee was great however. After testing out the grinder, we had some shots pulled from from a Vibiemme Domobar Junior. All in, the coffee is superior to any coffee chain in Malaysia except for the milk. I prefer my coffees with milk although I do occasionally drink them black. The problem is our local milk really doesn’t taste that good. Perhaps a change to farmhouse brand Australian milk might help.

10th Anniversary of SEMOA

Mid-June, SEMOA celebrated their 10th anniversary at Metro Tabernacle church in KL with a lot of worship, dance and the launch of the BM worship CD. Gracing the occasion was YB Dato Seri Idris Jala and family. Also in attendance was Henry K Pillai of Grace Community Services, Patrick Lau from Calvary Assembly Singapore and Ong Sek Leang, Senior Pastor of Metro Tabernacle church. They also had famed Indonesian Gospel singer Natasha Nikita.

Coffee + Photography

As a photographer and coffee fanatic, it was a surprise to find the blog by Adbeus that features coffee from various little coffee shops in Montreal. I just love all the photos that feature the same overhead view and different table tops. Here’s a little attempt I did while I was in Singapore for business. My only regret was that I did not bring my DSLR along.