Posts tagged love

iPhone 4S + Camera + Life

The biggest improvement for me when upgrading to the new iPhone 4S is actually the camera. Yeah, I’ve a ton of apps but my core apps are frequently my communications and networking tools – messaging, email, social media, etc. The next most common app I use is the camera and Instagram.

One thing for sure is that it’s always with me so it’s always the best camera — even when I’m lugging a truck-load of photo equipment, it still allows me to document, capture and basically, photo-log my activities.

More importantly, it lets me capture events and people important to me. I’ve every photo taken since my iPhone 2G days and the count is in the five digits. Browsing through the photos is like stepping back in time.

2011 Year in Photos

The year everything changed – 2011

Here’s looking back the 12 months in photos from blog entries excerpted over the year.





Surprisingly no photos and no entries in April.









Lots to give thanks for

Thanksgiving has been my favorite holiday ever since I was in the US. Minus the black Friday sales, all the commercialization of most festivals in the US, the Christmas shopping season begins and all that.

To me, I love Thanksgiving because it’s a time to appreciate what we have. Most Americans celebrate Thanksgiving with their families. That is also one thing I’m always grateful for. I remember my first Thanksgiving as a student in the US having my own cooked steak and mash potatoes by myself as all the Americans had gone home to be with their families.

This year, I’m thankful for the families (my own and my extended) I have – I won’t trade these people for anything. I’m thankful for all that I have, both material and immaterial blessings. I’m also grateful and thankful for the friends I have.

Most of all, I’m grateful to my amazing, one like no one wife for giving me the chance to take risks, to really pursue what I really love and believe in. I’m thankful for each day I have to spend with her and now with little Jayden who’s growing up fast. When I wake up in the morning and as the sun streams through the windows, I am truly blessed to have them as part of my life.

Of course, at the end of all, I give thanks to God, my heavenly father and savior from whom all things come from.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

A birthday to remember

Every couple of years, I somehow always reach a cross road in my life when I reach a birthday. Seems like deja vu again this year, 2011 of the last year. I suppose some decisions need to be made in the next couple of months but as the future’s still a bit unclear, it’s one day at the time for me. In the meantime, I just got the most wonderful birthday gift ever. Maybe that’s what trigger my life’s cross-road feeling but then again, this birthday has forever changed my life.

Presenting the newest addition to our EKML Visuals family… although more as a model (mandatory) than a photographer!

A CNY Burger party

After multiple rounds of Chinese New Year dishes and over-loading on carbs, we decided on a burger night with home-made burgers, salad and coleslaw. Nothing beats having good food and family over to spend some time with each other. They are what I’m always thankful for. As the festivities come to a close, another amazing year with the most amazing person in the world. When I wake up and see her by my side, that’s what makes heart sing and what I’ll always be so blessed — no matter what comes my way!

My nephew can’t wait to light up some fireworks so our home was a pretty good place to do it. We are blessed with a pretty sizable front lawn so… “fire in the hole!” Before the fireworks photos get posted, here comes our delicious dinner first. If you’d like the burger recipe, head over here.

Merry Christmas everybody!

Wow. 2010 is ending. That was quick. Whatever happened to the three hundred odd days that just went by?

Anyways, it’s Christmas time again and due to some minor issues, we had to postpone the moving in of our Christmas tree. Before we knew it, it’s Christmas eve!!! Since moving a 10-foot tree that weighs over forty kilos is not going to be easy, we decided against having the tree in the house this year… So here’s a re-run of last year’s Christmas tree time-lapse.

In the meantime, there’s plenty to be thankful for and I must say that 2010 is an unbelievably blessed year thanks to so many of you friends and family. Well, time to get the cameras ready and to pick-up the turkey.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

(video trivia : Shot on a Canon EOS 5D Mark II with a 24mm f/2.8 lens. The little bit of video at the end was with my makeshift glidetrack, EOS-5D Mark II and 50mm f/1.8 lens. The assembled video was Graded with MagicBullet Looks and Colorista.)