A lot of my life seems to revolve around Cameron Highlands. No reason why but it’s been the place for a lot of interesting and life-changing events in my life. One reason could be that I’m kind of a winter person. Anything above twenty-one degrees celcius is warm and I think the sweet spot is a lovely fifteen. Camerons, being at an altitude of 5,500 feet above sea level makes for a more pleasant temperature for me.
Anyways, this time round, we returned to my favorite place to stay, the OMF bungalow just outside Tanah Rata (flat-ground in Malay). OMF trumps every hotel I’ve stayed in Camerons mainly due to it’s lovely caretaker and surrounds. The old bungalow still has charm and Mrs Chye, the current caretaker serves up good old plain home cooking and unbeatable scones. Don’t waste your money on those pathetic scones at Ye Olde Smokehouse. This one’s made with love and freshly baked. The only other scone worth spending money for in Camerons (my opinion anyways) is at T-Cafe in Tanah Rata. T-Cafe is going to be renamed to Lord’s Cafe soon. All the best Terese!
Secondly, this is a great place to unwind from the hustle and bustle of any city. There’s only 8 rooms and the nearest neighbor is about two miles down the road. Being on an isolated outcrop, it does get windy and cold but get yourself a mug of steaming hot chocolate, a good book and you can enjoy the great outdoors.
It was a good getaway and as usual, was filled with quite a lot of good food. Probably overdid it but don’t you always overeat on holiday anyways? The Sungai Palas Tea plantation has now been upgraded and it looks fantastic. It looks awesome but I didn’t take any photos of the exterior because the excitement has now been spoiled by stupid drivers who don’t know how to drive on single lane roads. I mean if you see an approaching car and you’re at a section which permits passing, stop the car and let the incoming car pass. Seems like all the good drivers are long gone and we have city folk who think that giving way is a weakness. Pure stupidity which results in a fifteen minute journey taking over half-an-hour. Not recommended if you’re not a good driver! Looks like all that off-road driving on even narrower trails had some benefit after all!
That’s it for now, more photos to come…
Since this posting, I’ve received a dozen inquiries on the OMF Bungalow… I guess my blog’s pretty heavily indexed by Google
Anyways, here’s a low-down on the bungalow if you’re keen…
This Bungalow is a place of rest, refreshment, fellowship and spiritual renewal for Members of OMF (OMFers) as well as local pastors, leaders and other cross-cultural full-time workers/missionaries from other Christian organisations. It is not a guest-house nor is it a business enterprise. It is a self-financed ministry and pretty booked out well in advanced.
Meal times are fixed and guests are asked to vacate the dining room as soon as they finish their meals to allow the helpers to clean up. Meal times are: Breakfast: 8.00-9.00 am; Lunch: 12.30 pm; Dinner: 6.30 pm