Posts tagged 2005

As 2005 draws to a close…

icon_gray_open_quoteWe love because he first loved us. icon_gray_close_quote
~ 1 John 4:19

2thousand5 is probably one of the most amazing years that has gone by. I’ll miss a great friend but I’m happy for him because “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” (John 14:1-4).
At the threshold of the new year, in the middle of the journey of our life, remember that it’s not the destination that matters, nor how fast or slow we travel, nor who we are with at a particular moment, but it is the journey that matters most and how we make of that journey. How many lives have we enriched by sharing ourselves with them, giving them a shoulder to cry on, an ear to hear their darkest fears and hotest angers, sung them the song of the heart when they’ve lost all will to continue on, and most of all, given them your love.
icon_gray_open_quoteAnd now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. icon_gray_close_quote
~ 1 Corinthians 13:13

Personally, 2thousand5 has been the watershed year of my life. Giving up the ghosts of the past, releasing them to God has been the greatest thing that I’ve done. The past that binds us, shackles us and prevent us from moving on; from living life.
As they say, the best things in life aren’t things and how blessed I feel right now is hard to put into words. Sometimes, in our shortsightedness, our wants and prayers seem unanswered but know that God who loves us more than we know, has something better in store… trust me on this one.


For I love you more than words can say;
From sunrise until twilight’s last rays;
I will be thinking of you my dear;
Tho’ we don’t meet ev’ry day of the year.

© 2005 Eugene Khoo

Exquisite in Pink

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2005, the year that was…

As the year draws to an end, it’s only normal to look back and reflect on the year that was. How time flies! 2 thousand and 5 started with a literal bang and I’m not sure how we ended up here so quickly. It’s an amazing year filled with amazing events. As I look back, I really thank God for all the little (and not so little) blessings. I may not have gotten a nice package or the job I wanted. Neither did they give me the raise I asked for. I didn’t manage to deploy WebAperture’s Photo Blog (it’s officially at the 0.1 milestone already though!) by end August, in fact a lot of to-dos got pushed till 2006. Yet, I think about how rich 2005 has been, I wouldn’t want it any other way.

I thank God for all the wonderful people in my life and how rich they have made it. Even the sorrows. I’ll miss Kenny Lee but he thought me the meaning of living life, not looking back with regrets or to be filled with anguish or hate over what life throws at you but to go on, with dignity and generousity and peace that only God can give.

I thank God for Jeff Wong who managed to snag that Halliburton job – I’ll miss our crazy overnight makan escapes but hey, you did it! I’ll quote your goodbye words here (from a hardcore Tolkien friend obviously) “Well, here my dear friend, comes the end of our fellowship here in Malaysia. I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are evil. We may never meet again, but we always carry a part of each in us.

Most of all, I thank God for my darling, who’s made my life sing (dance and a couple of somersaults too), for lighting up and putting all the color into my life and be my biggest inspiration. 1 like no 1.

I think about the 365 steps (days) that went by and I treasure them. The many little escapades, the joy shared over a meal, the hurried cleaning and moving, the digging, weeding, and planting, the freezing chill of Harbin, the 5600 frames till now (that’s 15.3 photos per day!), I can’t help but be amazed but that said, let’s get 2006 on the road of life… Happy New Year!


On the road of life, take the unfamiliar road…