YB Bernard Dompok & Kebun SEMOA

It was a bright, hot, sweltering day that the official opening ceremony for SEMOA’s Kebun Orang Asli in Tras. We had the privilege to cover the event and it was an amazing day. It started of course with a day that was so bright, there was about five-stops difference in light between outdoors and indoors. Again, I relied on my RadioPoppers to illuminate the scene. We had like five flash units going off to equalize the light difference. Enough speedlights and you can match the power of the sun! Besides Yang Berhormat Bernard Dompok, Minister of Plantation, Industries and Commodities, we also had the local Tras assemblyman, Mr Choong Siew Onn.

Kebun SEMOA is an effort by the SEMOA group (supported by many churches and individuals in Malaysia) providing education, help, and medical care to the local indigenous population (orang asli) in the Tras, Raub and Bentong area.

1 Comment

  1. Eugene & Mun Leng June 1, 2010 at 4:19 am

    I’ve posted some NAS (Network-Attached Storage) thoughts and posts over on my blog. Here are the direct links: – Storage Strategies – QNAP TS-439 mini-review – Network Attached Storage overview – Storage utilities and tools