Well, haven’t really had time to catch up of sleep. Ten-years ago, I would have easily recovered from a month of 16-hour work days in 48 hours. Now it’s much tougher. I guess there’s a lot more responsibility on my shoulders now, from the burden at work (they don’t pay you to do nothing) and of course, my responsibility to my lovely wife but also not neglecting church ministries and family and friends too. Right now, our humble lil’ home is a construction zone and managing that as an extra responsibility doesn’t help. I really can’t wait to move out of our box in the sky to my new old home and have a pair of tail-wagging furry friends greet me when I pull into the driveway.
Edit: sorry, draft status prevented this from showing…
Wow, it really does look like some huge bungalow from the first picture. Looks really interesting though, where is it located exactly?
It’s located in surprise, surprise… Seremban 2. Not kidding. There is a Seremban 3 according to road signs but I didn’t get to explore it. Seremban 2 is the other side of the North-South Highway from Seremban old-town, which I guess is technically Seremban 1 then…