EK’s White Wine Baked Chicken

Well, well, does the title sound like I’m taking all the credit? I guess so since I came up with this in fifteen minutes and unless someone decides that it exists somewhere first, you discovered this recipe here first!

-600gm of skinned, boneless chicken (well, you can use half a chicken)
-1 table spoon salt (*)
-75ml white wine
-4 table spoons olive oil
-4 cloves garlic, diced
-small pat of butter
-Basil leaves, ground about 2 handfuls.
-Oregano (4 table spoons) and Paprika to taste

Rub salt on chicken. Add white wine and then continue rubbing with basil leaves, half of the diced garlic, oregano and paprika. Preheat over to 200 degress celcius. Melt the butter till liquid and add the remaining garlic. Add the olive oil into a baking pan and mix with the garlic and liquid butter. Put the chicken plus the all the marinade into the pan. Mix well. Bake for 45 minutes at 200 degress or until lightly browned.

A lousy photo is the result of doing too many things…

* This is a low sodium entree so you might want to add another tablespoon of salt.