Just had a discussion with a friend’s friend about getting a DSLR and the first complaint was that they cost so much more! In fact, he was just saying that for the price of the 30D you could have gotten something like an EOS-1 series film camera! Well, I admit that’s true but accounting for the cost of the sensor, processor, buffer memory and all the extra electronics, you are also paying probably for all your film in advanced! Well, let’s say you shoot fifty rolls of film a year, at RM50 per roll (including processing/printing), you’re looking at RM2500/year. In two years, that’s RM5,000 which is almost the price of a new 30D body today. Obviously heavy shooters make back the cost faster but no matter what, try including the cost of film and processing and you’ll realize that the DSLR you want isn’t exactly that expensive afterall…