and Faithfulness…
Last Sunday’s was PJEFC‘s 40th anniversary. It was a great celebration with lunch. It kind of reminds me of my own experience and life. Afterall, life is full of ups and downs but when you look back, you realize how much has changed and how much God has been faithful and the amount of God’s grace that got you through all your mistakes and stupidity…
1990 – Even though I walk thru the valley of death…
In the dark jungles of FRIM during an outdoor camp, with the crushing fear of the darkness, God reaches out and reminds me that I’m never alone…
1993 – When you are lost…
Without a plain direction in mind, God opens the door to WMU in Kalamazoo. I also get nine wonderful friends by day four. Onwards later to UW-Madison. Reaffirmation that God is Emmanuel — God with us, always.
1995 Jan – God never fails
The miracle of the avalanche marker line at Vail, CO. Who made that radio call?
1995 Christmas – Even over death
The accident on I-90 reminds us that God gives and God takes back. One life to touch six. One life to give life to three.
1997 – The way forward
Between three job offers, God says, pick Digital Equipment Corp. The decision gave me peace and I was given this verse: Ezekiel 36:11 “I will increase the number of men and animals upon you, and they will be fruitful and become numerous. I will settle people on you as in the past and will make you prosper more than before. Then you will know that I am the LORD.” Surely, that is one promise that God has kept. The great people, the fantastic trips and travels, the friendships formed and live’s touched. Simply priceless. God has a future planned for you even though you do not know it at that time…
2001-2004 – The wandering years
Many job offers, many visa, work-permit, green-card applications. Many, many closed doors. It’s God’s way of saying, Son, where are you going? I’ve something good lined up for you. Don’t you want it, why are you trying to go elsewhere? We all have limited vision and thinking. We think we know what we want but are you sure that is good for us? I’ve probably resented the fact that I did not get what I want but looking back, how little trust and faith I had.
2004 – Releasing the past (Isaiah 53:4-6)
In order to begin to love again and trying to re-learn what love is… 4 years of wandering in the desolate wastes of life… (1 John 4:19, 1 John 3:16, 1 Corinthians 13:1-7)
2006 – Miracle of reconciliation Somethings are not humanly possible but remember that for God nothing is impossible. Even learning how to love again or even reconciliation between families or in-laws.
40 years of God’s Grace
Sunflowers by Jill Odice © 2006