The Chiling Feast

As the sun rose on a cloudy morning, a convoy of 7 cars made their way to the falls. Traffic was smooth and the arrival uneventful. The hike in began around 9am and went at a rather rapid pace. It was a bit dry at most places and the river level probably lower than most times I’ve been there. The water, however, is still as cold if not a bit colder! The food, well, this is one reason why it’s called the Chiling Feast. Home-cooked yam balls, a carrot and walnut cake, hokkien mee, satay and peanut sauce, spam pan fried in olive oil, tuna and salmon sandwiches. Green tea and Ipoh old town coffee complimented the meal. Lychee and pineapple in syrup was dessert! Oh, we have potato bread, char siew pau and donuts for breakfast! And, what’s more, there’s still fuji apples, ice-cold longan and 100 Plus when we got back to the car (plus leftover yam balls and cake). What a feast! Now I wonder if I should post this under food or escapades? Hmmm…

After a Chiling Trip…

Photos are here.